
Kroombit Threatened Frogs Project Update – June 2021

IN APRIL THIS YEAR, QFS volunteers returned to Kroombit Tops National Park to conduct further surveys for the critically endangered Kroombit Tinkerfrog (Taudactylus pleione) and Kroombit Treefrog (Litoria kroombitensis) as...

Ric Nattrass Research Grant 2021 Recipient Announced!

CONGRATULATIONS TO MICKAYLA HEINEMANN, recipient of the 2021 Ric Nattrass Research Grant! Mickayla is currently undertaking her Honours degree at the University of Southern Queensland, and is researching how methods...

Kroombit Threatened Frogs Project Update – Dec 2020

WITH KROOMBIT TOPS MISSING out on the early wet season rain recorded in other parts of the state, conditions during the December 2020 Kroombit Frogsearch were only marginally better/wetter than...

Our new online FrogShop has launched!
Browse for frog identification books, t-shirts, media and posters.
Shop for books, posters t-shirts etc at our online FrogShop!